Efe Osas becomes a landowner

The corner stone for a successful business has been laid. Thanks to the commitment of Mr Roland Nwaho of Idia Renaissance, Efe could afford to buy a parcel of land with funds from the European promotional programme “Errin”. Roland Nwaho also took care of legal aspects to establish a secure legal basis.
In Nigeria, it is risky to build a business on leased land. Often times, landowners retroactively raise the lease many times over, or they terminate the lease agreement in order to take over the business themselves.
Both Efe and we are very happy that he now has his own parcel of land. Efe has started to clear the premises and is going to build a work shop where he can work and store his tools.
Wir freuen uns mit Efe, dass er nun sein eigenes Land hat. Efe hat begonnen, das Grundstück zu roden, und wird als nächstes eine Werkstatt bauen, in der er arbeiten und seine Werkzeuge aufbewahren kann.